Window 67 – True Beauty exists in the heart

One critical comment  to a person’s physical appearance can deplete one’s self esteem in an instant, and create a painful struggle of self-worth that can last a lifetime.

Every person that has seen a mirror is well aware of what they look like; and almost every person on the planet has some issue with their self-image that they may not love or they feel insecure about; so the last thing any person needs to hear is some negative critique, thought or opinion from another person.

Think before you speak, and think harder before you voice a negative comment about someone else’s appearance because not only is it hurtful and rude it can also be the breaking point for the person  hearing the negativity. For anyone on the receiving end of a negative comment just remember that the person voicing it is the person who is suffering  and although that does not make it right or acceptable, it is an awakening that can help you from taking it personal and taking ownership of the negativity.

Our physical shell is for identification purposes and does not in any way determine the beauty of one’s heart. The  heart of a person is what matters;  and society has it backwards… so we must each do our part to connect with our own heart and the hearts of others above everything and show, love, kindness, respect and help empower one another so no one will  feel “less than” anyone.

~ WOW ~

13 thoughts on “Window 67 – True Beauty exists in the heart

    • That breaks my heart, I hope she is doing well. I have walked in her shoes and I know how hard it is and the damage is something that is always whispering in the back of your mind and it is maddening! When I was awakened that the person voicing it is the one hurting and just wants to add company to their misery, it changed my perception and I hope it shifts for everyone who has ever been wounded. I was raised to treat others how you would want to be treated and I think a lot of people have missed that teaching.
      I hope your daughter is shinning bright and I wish her the best on her journey.

      • Thank you for your kind words and wishes. My daughter seemed to be born insecure and she’s had to deal with learning challenges, but through sheer determination and loving support, she’s doing very well. Blessings!

  1. Amen. Funny, I just said in a comment to a friend that what does it even matter what we physically look like? It’s the message and not the package.

    What a great post!

  2. Just went thru that a few weeks ago about someone commenting on my weight. Hurtful thing to say and it was just not nice. Thanks for the post! I really needed to hear this.

    • Sorry that you had to endure that, It is like bullying when people say stuff like that and it is so sad because it is happening more and more which shows me that a lot of people are lost and hurting and just trying to find company for their misery.

      Just always remember that the person who is the meanest is the person that was bullied or is struggling with their identity. I know it does not help the lash, but… do not take ownership or absorb their judgment… What would Jesus do?? He would say a prayer for them.

  3. Pingback: Window 67 – True Beauty exists in the heart | theunspokentruth12

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