Window 1800- standing up to negativity

Anxiety, fear and depression are some of tools used by the devil, through whispers of negativity to our self image, worth, and future…in the hopes of preventing us, from fulfilling Gods plan for us.

So fight back, turn off those lying whispers and fill up on the power of who God is… and don’t forget to call on Jesus for help, for the Demons shutter by the mere mention of his name.


Window 1751 – The signs are real

poolOur purpose, has already been decided; and our journey through life provides the clues… so all we can do is follow the signs, and listen for the whispers of direction.

~ WOW ~

Window 1743 – Take another glance, before giving up

smallSeek out the good in people, even if  at first it appears to be void… for  it’s just hidden deep within,  for good is poured into everyone, just as past pain is poured into the pure good, we all started out to be.

~ WOW ~

Window 1740 – Evil whispers in everyone’s ear

green weedPeople are not the enemy, darkness is… and we as people, only act out of darkness, when we follow the dark whispers, thinking they are truth and of light.   

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Window 1696 – Don’t second guess the inner pull

whiteEvery time we ignore our inner knowing for what we need to do, we remain in the same place, unchanged.

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Window 1622 – Ignore the chatter

treesDarkness uses our insecurities and fears, to  distract us from our divine purpose.  But God is more powerful and will always find a way to awaken us to the truth.

~ WOW ~

Window 1607 – Whispers from God

nestGod will use random people that are outside our inner circle, to get our attention to create an impact, in delivering a much needed message for our life…so never disregard the messenger.

~ WOW ~

Window 1557 – Spirit never lets us down

orangeWe search outside our self for the answers, when they all can be heard within…but the answers do not come from us, they are heard in the whispers, from Great Spirit.

~ WOW ~

Window 1456 – The whisper only you can hear


Every time we go against what our inner voice is telling us not to do, we will have regret… So if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it… and have the confidence to stand up for what is right for you.

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Window 1453 – Guidance is always available


When everything  seems to be unraveling  all at once; it is a divine intervention, to catapult us into the direction where we need to be… because we have been to caught up in our mind, to notice the whispers and signs.

~ WOW ~ Registered & Protected  3TRN-S0US-YFUD-UASH