Window 1883- What is promised will always arrive

God does not break promises to us… it is we, who are not in a perfect state of ready, to receive his promised gift.

Abraham and Sarah waited twenty five years for a child, their impatience and doubt of Gods promise caused them to take matters into their own hands… but even in their lack of faith, God did not void his Promise.

Keep waiting in faith, for God knows the perfect time when you are ready to receive what you have been waiting for.


Window 1881- Pain reliever

Isaiah 41:13 for I the lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you “ fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

When we are under attack and struggling… there is no self-help book, colored crystal, taro card, magic bead, spiritual advisor, Hail Mary mantra, life coach, religion etc…that can do anything for us.

Jesus is the ONLY life support for relief in this life and the one after… And, there is no fee, or anything that we have to buy. All we have to do is believe in him, reach out to him through prayer, repent of our sin,turn away from our old ways and follow him.

What we get by following Jesus… is relief from our pain and suffering and everlasting life, which can only be provided by him.


Window 1880-The key to Heaven

Accepting Jesus as our lord and savior does not provide us with a get out of hell free card… That freedom only comes with making life changes that align with what Jesus commands of us, and living a life in that alignment.

We cannot say we are followers of Jesus, if we are still cursing, watching pornography, doing drugs, stealing, being untruthful, cheating etc… we have to change our ways, and want to change our ways.

To be a true follower of Christ, is to be Christ like, which entails keeping Jesus at the center of all our life choices.


Window 1878- pray for those that hurt you.

Luke 6:27 “ But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.”

God says to pray for your enemies, which is to have no enemies… But when people hurt us, it is easy to make them our enemies and have thoughts of anger and hatred toward them…The saying “ hurt people hurt” is so true and all of us have hurt someone in some way, and many times unintentional and unknowingly.

But if we look deep with Christ-like thinking, God is telling us that those who spew evil and hatred toward us, are under attack by darkness, to which they cannot see or understand their evil ways… and those that cannot understand the darkness that is encompassing them will believe their actions are justified.

We cannot accept Jesus and live in an evil mind. So we must pray for those that spew anger and rage toward us… because they do know not what they do, and they will not make it to Heaven. God wants all of us to help one another, so we all make it home to him, and sometimes the only way we can help, is to pray.

We are no different from the evil-doer if we return thoughts of anger and rage toward them; even if it is just in our thoughts. Prayer is a conversation with God, so when we pray for those who have wounded us, we are asking God to work on their heart, to help them see his light and turn away from evil, so they don’t end up in Hell.


Window 1876 – God’s word should not be altered.

Luke 11:28 Blessed rather are those that hear God’s word and obey it.

Religion was created by man, not God… there will be no clubs or different interpretations of who God is, in heaven.

We are the church, going to a building does not save us…Following God’s word does… And his spoken word is his written word in the Bible. It is good to gather with people and help one another to understand his word and pray together.

But If the place you are gathering has rules, rituals, and changes the written word or adds to it, in any form… You are better off to just stay home and follow agids word, than to risk falling prey to the deception of his word.


Window 1875 – Are you living by your flesh or your spirit

Romans 8;12-13 So then brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

The fruits of the spirit are; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. When we align with God and live our life with the mind of our spirit, we have inner peace. But when we live in the mind of our flesh… we will never be content, and will always be seeking a temporary high to fulfill the dark yearnings, that are not aligned with God.

We can claim to be Christian and go to church, go to confession, and mention Gods name…but If our thoughts and actions are self-absorbed and focused on riches, sexual pleasures, wicked schemes, negativity, and foul language… we are not Christ-like at all, we are just more Satan like… And we must never forget, that Satan’s only goal is for us to spend eternity with him.

God wants us to a have a fruitful life and spend it in eternity with him…but in order for that to be, we must first be a good fruit.

~ WOW~

Window 1873- Time is running out

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me “ Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven.

Every minute of our day is important… our time is short here. We do not know when we will take our last breath… so it is imperative that we know where we are going to spend our eternity.

Don’t put it off, don’t assume that just because you waltz into church once a week and then live your life for yourself the rest of the week, that you are saved. Going to church, is not a get out of hell free card, only Jesus is!

If you have not accepted Jesus and repented, do it now… and if you were saved and have back slid to old evil ways… get saved again, repent, repent and repent and live right.

For you only God knows the hour of our last breath. So use the time you have NOW, to get ready for eternity.

~ WOW ~

Window 1871 -Kindness heals

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as Christ forgave you.

How we react, creates a chain reaction to how others respond and how they feel from being in our presence.

Everyone one is going through something privately…so we must be purposeful in striving to respond in kindness, so we are helping to lift up one another, instead of breaking one’s spirit.


Window 1870 – There are only two pathways after we pass away.

There are good, kind, generous and loving people in HELL! We can do everything right in our life, such as, loving our neighbor, helping others in need, going to church, tithing, and just loving everyone… but none of that matters if we do not believe that JESUS, came and died for our sins to save us… and then live our lives how he instructed us to live.

For we cannot say we love Jesus and then live an un-Godly life style and expect to live in Heaven… and if you really the Bible, our life Manuel, it’s clearly stated.

I would like to share a wonderful pastor out of Oklahoma, who teaches the word in a relatable way, and also translates the Bible from Greek, to words and meanings that have different meanings in English. His name is Alan Nolan, and you can find all of his teaching on YouTube… he is amazing.


Window 1869- Don’t step back in the past.

Isaiah 43:18- Remember not the former things,nor consider the things of old.

When we truly begin to walk with Jesus, we change… and with that change, turbulence will ensue between our earthly life and our spirit, to which the spirit becomes our priority, leaving our earthly habits and connections to people of our past, in our past.

Darkness will use our past, with thoughts of guilt, sadness and longing, with persuasion that we are missing out or hurting others by moving forward… when in reality, forward is what keeps us closer to God, which is the relationship that the devil wants to destroy.