Window 1609 – Happy Jesus Day!

white owlThe Birth of Jesus is the best present everyone has received…  There is no other present that could be given, that could exceed what he can bring into everyone’s life… it’s just our job to get to know him.

~ WOW ~

Window 1607 – Whispers from God

nestGod will use random people that are outside our inner circle, to get our attention to create an impact, in delivering a much needed message for our life…so never disregard the messenger.

~ WOW ~

Window 1606 – Take a break

hammockWhen we say yes to everyone else’s wishes and desires, we give all of our energy away, leaving us drained and irritable… and even the energy given away becomes weakened, because it was not given from a balanced heart.

~ WOW ~


Window 1604 – Our true feelings

7A3AFB25-3424-4F7B-A593-A732ABC12455If we are not in tune with the energy we take in or give away, we will never be in tune with who we really are and what we really feel.